Frequently Asked Questions
What is Rauha, and what is it used for?
Rauha is a prescription digital therapeutic intended to reduce depression and anxiety by leveraging cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Rauha must be prescribed by a doctor.
How does Rauha work?
Rauha is a novel 8-week prescription digital cognitive behavioral therapy platform developed by a clinical psychologist and prescribed by physicians. It has been designed to address social determinants of mental health for people with disabilities.
How should Rauha be used?
Rauha is available as a 8-week prescription.
It is recommended that Rauha should be used for approximately 15-25 minutes per day, 3 days per week, over the course of a 8 week period, or as recommended by your healthcare provider.
Can Rauha be used for everyone?
Rauha is pending FDA Authorization with a hearing or mobility disability living with mental illness.
I have questions in general about using Rauha. What should I do?
You should contact your healthcare provider or Toivoa Assist® at support@toivoa.us.
Why do I have to obtain Rauha through a prescription?
As a medical device pending FDA authorization, Rauha is designed to treat a medical disorder and should be used under the supervision of a medical professional who can manage a broader treatment program and oversee adherence and compliance with the treatment program.
Who determines suitability for getting a prescription?
Your healthcare provider can determine whether Rauha is a good fit for you. Toivoa does not make determinations about eligibility.
Who do I contact if I have questions about Rauha or my prescription?
If you have any healthcare-related questions, you should contact your healthcare provider.
For other questions regarding your prescription, please contact us at Toivoa Assist® at support@toivoa.us
How many days does my Rauha prescription enable therapy?
A Rauha prescription provides 8 weeks of treatment once your code is activated.
Cost & Coverage
How much does Rauha cost?
If insurance covers Rauha, the out-of-pocket cost will vary based on insurance plan benefits.
To learn more about making Rauha more affordable, contact us regarding our Patient Assistance Program to see if you qualify.
How can I find out if Rauha is covered by my insurance before I get a prescription?
You will need to contact your insurance company to inquire about coverage before getting a script.
After I activate Rauha, can it be used for more than one family member or friend?
No, a Rauha activation code can only be used by the individual for whom it was prescribed. If multiple members in your household have been prescribed Rauha, you’ll receive an individual activation code for each person and individual payment request emails for each activation code.
Using The Treatment
Will I experience any side effects from using the Rauha treatment?
There are no serious adverse events expected in any clinical trials of Rauha.
If you experience frustration, emotional reaction, dizziness, nausea, headache, eyestrain, or joint pain while using Rauha, pause the treatment. If the problem persists, contact your healthcare provider.
The Rauha treatment is delivered via a digital screen. Should I be fearful of screen time risks?
We understand that screen time can be of concern to physicians.
Daily Rauha treatments last approximately 15-25 minutes without interruption. Be sure to know that it is okay to occasionally take a break from treatment for a few minutes to avoid excess eye strain or fatigue.
Does my family’s data remain safe and private if I use Rauha?
We understand how important it is to protect your family’s privacy. Toivoa uses industry-standard privacy and security measures to protect your health data in accordance with the terms of our Privacy Notice for the Rauha treatment located here.
Is an internet connection required?
Internet or network connectivity is required to use the Rauha treatment, download, register, activate, and start treatment.
If I have problems activating my code, what should I do?
To speak with us directly, please contact Toivoa Assist® at support@toivoa.us
I am interested in partaking in research. Where can I learn more information that pertains to me?
We’re glad you’ve taken an interest in our product. Visit clinicaltrials.gov for current trials and recruitment contacts associated with Toivoa.
How do I report an adverse event witnessed while using Rauha?
If this is an emergency, dial 9-1-1.
Otherwise, please notify your healthcare provider about your observation. As part of Toivoa’s post-marketing surveillance, we encourage you to also report this adverse event to Toivoa Assist® at support@toivoa.us with any other questions. Toivoa, the manufacturer, may call you for further information.