Toivoa Co-Founder and CEO, Laura Randa, to moderate Women In Bio national webinar on disability inclusion

When Thursday, January 27, 2022 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. EST

Where Online (Zoom)

Contact WIB-National

Women In Bio’s (WIB) national webinar on disability inclusion is a continuation of WIB’s event hosted during the BIO Convention in June 2021. This virtual event will showcase an engaging roundtable discussion between leaders on this issue, including Former Congressman Tony Coelho, the primary author, and sponsor of the ADA; Joyce Bender, a female founder and internationally recognized leader in disability employment; Ted Kennedy Jr., a leading health care regulatory attorney for over 20 years, who since June 2017, has served as Chair of the Board of the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD); Shakti Harris, Head of US Inclusion and Diversity at Bayer; and Dr. Scott Mellis, Vice President, Early Clinical Development and Experimental Sciences, Rare Diseases, with Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc.

Topics that will be covered are best practices related to hiring people with disabilities and why that is important. There will also be break-out sessions with speakers for a round-robin conversation of experiences and insights.

To join this important conversation, register here.


As seen in February, March 2022 Forbes magazine and AAPD website, Toivoa is proud to be a founder of the American Association of People with Disabilities Business Roundtable